Skagit Talks: Cameron Wilbur
Tonight on Skagit Talks, Dr. Loonat speaks with Skagit Valley College alum Cameron Wilbur on his journey to and through Skagit Valley College and on to University.
Skagit Talks: Darren Greeno, Ed.D
Tonight on Skagit Talks, an interview with Darren Greeno, Skagit Valley College Vice President of Academic Affairs. He and Professor Loonat have a lively conversation about the college’s priorities and his innovative work here at the college.
Skagit Talks: Emareena Danielles on Trauma
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a moving discussion with Emareena Danielles, who is an expert on trauma and how it affects adult learners. Much of her experience comes for teaching in prisons.
Skagit Talks: Dr. J. Cody Nielsen on Equity
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a conversation with Dr. J. Cody Nielsen, founder and Executive Director of the non-profit Convergence Strategies, and adjunct faculty at numerous institutes of higher learning.
Skagit Talks: Professor Edward Wesakania
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a conversation with SVC Professor Edward Wesakania about the importance of studying geography and how it helps us understand our interconnectivity with everyone everywhere.
Skagit Talks: Dr. Amy Gustafson
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a discussion with Dr. Amy Gustafson, an instructor here at Skagit Valley College also an important advisor for the First Nations club.