Skagit Talks: Emareena Danielles on Trauma
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a moving discussion with Emareena Danielles, who is an expert on trauma and how it affects adult learners. Much of her experience comes for teaching in prisons.
Skagit Talks: Dr. J. Cody Nielsen on Equity
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a conversation with Dr. J. Cody Nielsen, founder and Executive Director of the non-profit Convergence Strategies, and adjunct faculty at numerous institutes of higher learning.
Skagit Talks: Professor Edward Wesakania
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a conversation with SVC Professor Edward Wesakania about the importance of studying geography and how it helps us understand our interconnectivity with everyone everywhere.
Skagit Talks: Dr. Amy Gustafson
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a discussion with Dr. Amy Gustafson, an instructor here at Skagit Valley College also an important advisor for the First Nations club.
Skagit Talks: Edward Wesakania, Elder Care
Tonight on Skagit Talks, a conversation with SVC Professor Edward Wesakania. Dr. Loonat asks Professor Wesakania his thoughts about elder care, adult family homes and healthcare in general.
Friday Afternoon Music Mix: Empress Kush
Join Gregory Sweet this Friday June 28th at 3:00 PM for his interview with Los Angeles based Electronic Pop artist, Empress Kush. Featured are four songs from her new album, "Up In Flames" being released the same day.